Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Miracle from our friend - Sivashankar Ramamoorthy

Miracle from our friend - Sivashankar Ramamoorthy
Miracles of Jesus (08.07.2012) :-
My son Santhosh had a abnormal high cylindrical eye power of Left eye 2.25 and Right eye 2.25 and was wearing a thick and heavy specs as on 13/07/2011. We were praying regularly in our daily prayers for his eyes.
We went for the yearly eye check up for him on last week 08/07/2012 and to the surprise of all of us (including the optical shop staffs) my son's eye power was drastically and magically reduced to Right 1.25 and Left 0.50 .He is posing a thin glass now and is comfortable with it. With Faith in God any thing is possible.
Glory to Jesus !!

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