Thursday, December 19, 2013

HOW can he die for us?

Have you ever wondered how Jesus Christ, the messiah died 2000 yrs ago for the sin you have committed now or the sins to be committed by some of your brothers/sisters in future?

Well, I have. As I couldn’t comprehend I decided to focus on the parts of GOD’s word, that I can understand and I can assimilate.

I guess, I did the right thing. As I stayed on course, it dawned on me like a spring morning!
JESUS CHRIST, the Messiah is THE SON of GOD himself. And he died for our sins. 

And who is GOD? The GOD exalted by David in Psalms, the GOD exclaimed by Prophets, the GOD who explained himself as “I am Who I am” to Moses? Who is HE? & What is GOD?

GOD is Omnipresent.
GOD is Omniscient.
GOD is Omnipotent.
GOD who existed, existing and will be existing.
GOD who knows everything.
GOD who is Al mighty.
GOD is timeless. HE is infinite. HE is everything.

 It all makes sense. It’s simple to put it all together now.  So it is evident that only the son of such great GOD with that attributes can be made as a sacrifice for the sins of the human race. No man or Animal can do that. Such sacrifices can be timeboxed and will be limited.

It is logical that Son of GOD has to be sacrificed. And that exactly happened as the darling of heaven walked on the rubbles to climb a tree and to die for every one of us. (John 3:16)

HE died for us even when were sinners.(Romans 5:8)

At this season of giving, let us remember the gift from heaven, the manna from GOD, Jesus and rejoice in him. Let HIS sacrifice be made worthy. Let HIS sacrifice serve the purpose in our life. Let us be thankful for HIS priceless blood. Let us give praise for HIS forgiveness.

Our GOD is the most loving and merciful father, didnt he send his precious son for us!

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