Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Unfold In Me! - A simpleton's poem for the LORD

Oh! Lord! I wonder,  like I call out your marvelous creations in one single word - "Universe", can I also find one to define you?

Oh! Dear LORD! the Mightiest of the mightiest, what language would be skillful enough to tell the breadth and length of your mercies I endure

Oh! How I can explain the depths you went down to pick me up, when I willfully in flesh took the path of destruction.

Or How can I explain that I let my LORD, the holiest of holy to walk thru that path of filth to find and pick me up.

The GOD of holy who came down to the dusty roads of Jerusalem, walked with this dust to bring HIS beauty

Great, Mighty, Wonderful, Magnificent, Amazing, Awesome, Incredible, Marvelous, Stupendous does any of the adjectives justify your glory, Oh LORD!

Oh! LORD, this body I defiled for pleasure with all my six senses I submit at your feet as sacrifice.

Oh! Father! A broken soul, A contrite heart,..A hopeless spirit  is what I can offer, while I wasted away my goodness like the Prodigal son in past.

I come with what I have, remnants of the pain of pleasures widely spent, products of the sins I possess. What use I will be of to you, Father!

I maimed & mutilated myself in ignorance and in seek of worldly pleasure and approval.

But Oh! Dear LORD, how I can explain the joy of my heart with your reply,..." Didn't I make the first man Adam from the Dust. You are more than dust for me to work with. My work in you is just stalled. It is not Over"

Oh! Father of everlasting mercies, thanks for sending your Son as my Bride groom.

A Carpenter by Family Business,

A King by his Ancestry,

A Harvester of lost souls by profession,

A High Priest in Theology,

A Great comforter for Strangers,

A Healer in grace,

A Miracle worker as hobby,

A Dead man riser as a Friend,

An Engaging parable teller in the crowd,

A Favorite of Children,

A Servant in service,

A Leader in forgiveness,

A Conqueror of death,

An Advocate for desolate,

A Living water in quenching,

A Bridegroom with the Everlasting life.

What an incredible profile Bride groom for a bride who brought rags & tears as her possession. Who is like you, LORD! Who is like you!

My words fails me,...My Language limits me,... So Let my actions talk your glory in this sojourn until I see you face to face!

Unfold in me, LORD!…Yes…Unfold in Me!

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