Thursday, October 11, 2012

He will hate evil and depart from it - 2

Those who fear GOD will hate evil.


  1. I love how God speaks in Psalm 34:9....The Psalmist declares that there is no want to those that fear the Lord. In order to truly fear the Lord, we must first receive the gift of the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord through His Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 11:2-4). This comes after surrendering all to the Lord and submitting to His will. Only then can you truly hate what God hates (evil). Holy Spirit will teach us what it means to fear(revere)the Lord. As we learn to revere our great and awesome God, we also learn to worship Him in the beauty of holiness. He is our God, we are his people...the sheep of His pasture. May He continue to guide and direct us into deeper intimacy and communion with Him...

  2. Thank you so much, Michelle. Thats a powerful reassurance/reminder for God fearing people.


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