Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Just do it!

Happy New Year Everyone!
The promise for this New Year is Zachariah 4:6

Matthew 6:34 (NKJV)34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. 

As I was reading this verse, Holy spirit revealed me an interesting truth. Though it appears as if the LORD Christ is talking about Worry, it is also actually about Procrastination.  This revelation was quite intriguing and I immediately know it is from holy spirit. Seriously, What this flesh of white and grey matter can think of! So I pondered more and here it is.

Every day is unique and dawns with a purpose. There are to do’s and tasks for each day. Monday has its own tasks and so does each day of the week.

I have my schedule, I do my laundry and grocery on Sunday and get myself all set for the upcoming week with the necessary provisions and clean clothes for that week. My girlfriend likes to do her shopping right after her work on Friday. I had tried Friday grocery shopping and it hasn’t worked well for me. I ended up cook away all of those veggies a grand dinner or lunch and there I am grocery shopping again on Sunday afternoon.

A colleague of mine does her laundry on her movie night i.e. Friday. She mentioned that she will have her clothes washed, dried and will fold the clothes as she watches the movie with her family. That is something I would like to try. My biggest night mare is the piles of washed, unfolded clothes. Except, I don’t always watch movie every week. In fact, I had stopped watching movies few years back. I had to be a huge movie buff and then I had lost interest. Probably, my standard rose :P

Actually, the profanity in language, nudity and the substance of the story is the reason. Recently, I had started to watch again. Just to give company to my hubby. Anything for the husband. Right! :D

Not to digress, that’s exactly what the lord is talking about. Get your work done today.
  • Did you make that call to your mom?
  • Did you pay your bill?
  • Did you take your car for service?
  • Did you go to gym?
  • Did you prep for your dinner?
  • Did you check your kid’s homework?
  • Did you book your annual health check up appointment?

Worries starts with these simple unfinished tasks. Then it snow-balls and becomes the biggest nag in our mind.

procrastination.com is the source of above image

Wow! How deep are the teachings of Jesus! 

I can’t take bible reading for pleasure any more. Neither I do a speed reading these days. I used to have this goal of finishing the New testament 3 times in a year. Every  December I do this rush reading thru Revelation which is the toughest to comprehend and understand (every time I read). But I had stopped doing that. Holy spirit started to reveal things in different light now. Pretty interesting facts such as these.

Come, Let’s have a leisure talk with a LORD. Hop on that hammock with HIM, with the word of GOD in hand and read along. HE will reveal just like he said in James 1:5
James 1:5New King James Version (NKJV)
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
 Again don’t forget what the LORD said “Just do it!” :)

*Confession: I was planning to get this post out for quite sometime now. What an irony! A post on procrastination got delayed. Hopefully I will do better with HIS grace and strength this year. Phil 4:13 Amen!

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